2023 Wrapped

As we come upon the end of 2023 and reflect on the year, we would be remiss to not share some of our top moments and wins with you:
$5.6 MILLION in scholarships won by graduating Nyah Fellows:
100% received at least one full tuition scholarship
100% college matriculation rate for Nyah Fellows
100% attibuted their college and/or scholarship acquisition success to Nyah Project
76.5K+ social media impressions (a special thank you to Dharma Creativ, our media partner, for elevating our digital presence since October!)
39.9K+ new course enrollments in Access Online
13.5K votes generated during the Global Impact Challenge
1,781+ service hours completed by 88+ volunteers
1,147 new individual users in Access Online
125 individual donors, including 64 new donors
103 Nyah Fellows since 2014 with the addition of the 2023 cohort
44 diverse youth trained in experiential leadership
36 professionals trained in our Access Method as part of a pilot CAP Community in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools
TOP MOMENTS (in no particular order):
Accelerate Access Awards, featuring the College Access Champions and several alumni
Celebration of Impact, featuring 20 graduating seniors & our 2023 Nyah Fellows
Completion of CAP Community Pilot with Miami-Dade County Public Schools
LEAD Series returns to in-person/hybrid format
Introduction of the new Summer I Leadership Retreat to kick off the Global Youth Leadership Fellowship
Students’ BTS exclusive with Aston Martin at F1
Access Online sees almost 3x growth in one year!
Investments in Impact - 2023 saw significant investments in our work with a challenge grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, a two-year grant from The Miami Foundation, and a large donation by recurring donor, Rose Ellen Greene. We are so grateful for your belief in and support of our work!