Spotlight: 2023 Graduates
Nyah Fellows - high school graduating class of 2023
July 1, 2023 (Miami) | With the support of our coaches, mentors, staff, and Access Online, our graduating class of 2023 have a lot to celebrate!
2023 Graduate Stats:
$5,540,668+ in scholarships received
100% won at least one full scholarship
100% college matriculation rate
63% college acceptance rate
Accepted to 62 unique schools in 24 states
2021 Fellows:
Bradshyr Mortimer, University of Central Florida
Ian Rodriguez, Florida State University
Tasfia Howlader, Nova Southeastern University
2022 Fellows:
Adrian Oyola, Loyola University Chicago
Ayden Wilson, Florida Atlantic University
Brandon Zamudio, Yale University
Desiree Haghgoo, University of Florida
Julian Sanabria, University of Florida
Layla-Blue Jackson-Yanez, University of Miami
Louise Gong-McGovern, University of Florida
Rachel Ulysse, Florida Atlantic University
Victoria Bofill, University of Florida
2023 Fellows:
Sofia Aranda, University of Chicago
Rismeyli Francois, Nova Southeastern University

In addition, we had eight Nyah Project alumni graduate from college this spring!
2018 Fellows:
Ryan Rowe, Wellesley College
David Barbier, Jr., Syracuse University
Juasline Plasencia, Hamilton College
Jose Prieto, University of Miami
Stephan Fatal, Tuskegee University
2019 Fellows:
Rita Vega, University of Michigan
Chanice McClover-Lee, Howard University
John Rodriguez, Barry University