Spotlight: 2023 Fellows
Fellows for the 2023 Global Youth Leadership Fellowship
August 1, 2023 (Miami) | After completing a four month selection process consisting of a written application, the LEAD Series (Workshops, Summit, and Global Impact Challenge), and multiple interviews in the spring, we are proud to finally announce the newest cohort for our signature program, the Global Youth Leadership Fellowship!
2023 Fellows:
Sofia Aranda, University of Chicago (School for Advanced Studies, Wolfson)
Jamora Arroyo-Jefferson, Ransom Everglades
James Brown-Urmeneta, Ransom Everglades
Rosa Caceres, Monsignor Edward Pace HS
Jullian Farrington, Miami Norland SHS
Rismeyli Francois, Nova Southeastern University (Monsignor Edward Pace HS)
Rick Gomez, MAST Academy
Victoria Hamilton, School for Advanced Studies
Diego Julca, Miami Palmetto SHS
Briana Martin, College Academy @ Broward College
Joel “AJ” Mintze, Young Men’s Preparatory Academy
Alejandro Perez, MAST Academy
Watch our recap video below of the Fellows Reveal at our annual Celebration of Impact, and scroll down for their photo bios!