Give Miami Day 2022
About Give Miami Day:
Give Miami Day is one of the nation's biggest annual giving events. It is an online campaign where everyone is a philanthropist! Over 1,000 Miami-based nonprofits participate, including Nyah Project! Every GMD donation receives a partial match from the Miami Foundation, increasing individual impact.
The Ask
Please use the resources below to help us secure donations for Give Miami Day. We need your help to reach our goal of raising $25,000!
Donation Days:
Early Giving Days: Monday, Nov. 14th to Wednesday, Nov. 16th
Give Miami Day: Thursday, November 17th
Matching Funds: Donations made through the official GMD portal between Nov. 14 - Nov. 17 are partially matched by The Miami Foundation
The Challenge
Which of the following milestones can you reach?
4 Donors at $25 each = $100
5 Donors at $50 each = $250
5 Donors at $100 each = $500
1 Donor at $1,000 = $1,000
Above & Beyond = $5,000
The advisor(s) who secures 1) the most donors, and 2) the largest donation will get a special prize!
Please direct donors to:
Use this graphic to share with people BEFORE Monday, Nov. 14th
Use any of these graphics on Early Giving Days (Monday, November 14th to Wednesday, November 16th).
Click each link to download: -
Use this graphic ON actual Give Miami Day, Thursday, November 17th.
Use this suggested copy to encourage people in your network to donate and support Nyah Project for Give Miami Day! Feel free to tailor it to your own audience.
Use this customizable email template to reach out to your network!
We are going for a bonus prize, the Lunchtime Award Prize!
Please encourage your donors to make their contribution on Thursday, Nov. 17th between 12:00pm and 1:30pm! -
We are going for the Instagram #DonationDance prize!
Follow us on Instagram @nyahproject
On GMD (Thursday, November 17th), Nyah Project will share a #DonationDance post/reel
PLEASE LIKE & share our #DonationDance post to get more likes
The organization whose #DonationDance post receives the most likes on Give Miami Day will get an additional prize.
Be sure to thank your donors! You can send them this graphic as a small token of our appreciation.